MD-4K flaw detector

 MD-4K flaw detector is intended for detection of surface defects, such as metal discontinuity by magnetic particle technique on local sections of large-dimension parts by creating impressed magnetostatic field. Permanent magnets are used as magnetization elements. Thus, flaw detector does not require power supply what allows to apply it in explosion and fire hazard mediums, on building grounds, assembly and welding areas, during inspection of high pressure equipment, internal surfaces of vessels and tanks, weld joint, pipelines in field conditions.

Main specifications of MD-4K magnetic particle flaw detector:

Flaw detector type portable
Magnetization units are completed with round (MD-4K) permanent magnets
Average testing section size during defects detection on the part surface 120 mm
Max. field density at the magnetization units poles, no less than 1100 А/cm
Pullout force of magnetization units from ferromagnetic surface 35-40 kilogram-force
Weight of flaw detector in a set, no more than 7 kg

 To make the carrying out of various structures and parts testing convenient and to simplify NDT inspectors' work, the specialists of our enterprise have modified MD-4K flaw detector.

